Our Philosophy

Finding the right path.

yoga training


Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Actions.

The mindflowyoga faculty aims to embody the tenets of yogic philosophy through our thoughts, words and our actions. We could translate this to intent, teachings, and courses.

We aim to create strong, sensitive, humble, capable, confident yoga teachers. Teachers who can blaze a trail and become forward looking well trained individuals. New teachers are the future of yoga. We want western yoga to be taken forward by amazing teachers.

We support our students, we want them to be as honest, free, most real, and the best they can be at that stage in their lives. We teach our student teachers to safely place their students, their own teaching, and self development at the heart of their lives. If we are able to positively impact somebodies teaching ability, we know this will pass onto their students lives. If we can positively affect, so others will positively be affected.

What we teach, we teach through our own direct experience. We wont teach a posture, yama, mantra or a breath without practicing it daily and truly understanding its affects.

We always start with intent.

It is our intent that every student who attends one of our courses is changed for the better. This change may be small or profound, it may be instant or may take years to bubble to the surface. We hope that each interaction the student has, each person they meet, will be influenced positively by the change. The change may be a small as one day they show compassion, or that they become the best teacher or person they could be, and in doing so can affect the lives of students, family or co-workers.

An old saying states that when visiting somewhere, you should leave the place in the better condition than you found it.
We believe when you meet somebody you should leave them in better condition than you found them.

Patanjali & the Eight-Limbed Path.
To understand the foundations of Yoga, you first need to be familiar with Patanjali’s Eight-Limbed Path.

Patanjali's Sutras (in Sanskrit :‘thread’) we think was written around 600 CE, and it brought together all of the major practices and philosophies of yoga that we know today.

The ancient yogic texts that were written between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago might not seem relevant or important today, but they hold the secrets to understanding yoga as a practioner and teacher. They also give yoga a context in the studio, and outside the studio.

Patanjali’s Eight-Limbed Path has 8 components: (8 limbed = Ashtanga)

  • Yamas: how you treat the world
  • Niyamas: how you treat yourself
  • Asanas: yoga postures
  • Pranayama: breathing techniques
  • Pratyhara: focusing inward, withdrawing all your senses
  • Dharana: concentration
  • Dhyana: meditation
  • Samadhi: enlightenment

Think of these eight limbs as a personal code of ethics rather than rigid rules. It’s important to understand that they’re guidelines to help you connect with your inner yogi and the more you put each facet into practice the closer you’ll be to finding and enjoying yoga's purpose.

Many of the aspects of Patanjali’s 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas from his Eight-Limbed Path outline a way of living that practices non-violence and peace with other living things—including what we do, how we treat each other and how we treat the planet.

We use the Yamas and Niyamas within our school as guidelines on how to run the school correctly and in-line with the way a yoga school should be run.

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